Worth the Fight… Extending Inner Quietness

Very good, Susanne. To know quietness within as only Christ can give in the midst of chaos, THAT is a miracle. “Peace I give unto you…peace that surpasses all understanding.” Again it is the refining in less than ideal circumstances that God uses to work His Son’s life in us.

Entering the Promised Land

Last week I felt a strong nudge to get closer to God and to let go of more and more, partly self-imposed, duties. As a woman, you might know how difficult it is to get rid of old habits and of letting go to care for others (more than they really need it) in order to meet EVERY expectation perfectly. I have also been used to care for my body daily and I sensed that my exhausting workouts tend to make my life more and more burdened. However, I could not get rid of swimming ‘the English Channel’, so to speak. 😉 I do know that I am no longer twenty or thirty and therefore I had begun to take at least one break during the day some years ago. Mostly after dinner I spend time in bed praying. Admittedly, sometimes I fall asleep because of exhaustion. 😉

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4 comments on “Worth the Fight… Extending Inner Quietness

  1. Many thanks for this reblog, my dear brother! 🙂

    I must be honest with you… As I saw the notification of the reblog in my Google inbox, I gladly sensed that God made us one again as He did so often in the past since He had told me beforehand that you would post this entry on A Wilderness Voice, too. Thank you for listening to Him, my brother. 🙂 I am so grateful to be your sister, Michael!

    Peace that surpasses ALL understanding, indeed. Anything less than this and we cannot overcome this world and all those adverse circumstances we have to meet in our everyday life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michael says:

      You are welcome, Susanne. I am grateful to be your brother in Christ as well. Unity in His Spirit is a wonderful thing to experience, yet so rare these days. You and your daughter remain in my prayers. Thank you so much for your prayers as well. I passed a large kidney stone this morning. That must have been what was causing the pain in that area. Oh what a relief! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Ken Dawson says:

    Thats the perfect solution to the situation!

    Liked by 2 people

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